Priority Municipal Actions to Enable Zero Emission Vehicle Adoption

The City of Ottawa has declared a climate emergency and it is clear that we need to transform our community to fight climate change. Ottawa’s Energy Evolution plan is an ambitious plan in response to the climate crisis. Transportation is the second largest emitting sector, which means we need to take bold action to lower the greenhouse gas emissions from this sector.  

This guide co-created by Low Carbon Cities Canada (LC3) and the Green Municipal Fund (GMF) identifies and prioritizes the highest-impact municipal actions for electrifying how people, goods and services move around.

Six priority actions identified:

  • Create advantages for ZEVs in the city
  • Develop a reliable and equitable charging network
  • Enable EV-Ready retrofits in existing buildings
  • Ensure all new buildings are EV-Ready
  • Accelerate ZEV adoption in municipal fleets and transit
  • Encourage electrification of shared fleets

View the guide to read more about the six priority actions, how to go about them, why to choose them, and to find out who is already taking action in Canada.

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